Lean logistics
Kiesel's own logistics centre with over 60,000 items avoids bottlenecks in the supply of materials for construction and materials handling machines or attachments, and guarantees the rapid availability of spare parts. In logistics, too, Kiesel and HANSA‑FLEX rely on standardised and efficient processes: HANSA‑FLEX supplies the hose line kits in special packaging on pallets that can be stored directly in the high-bay warehouse. "Not only do we save time but we also increase our process reliability, in that with the kit our incoming goods section only needs to book one item rather than 15 individual articles," comments Marquard. The two companies regularly consult on the forecast requirements for materials, enabling Kiesel to optimise its stock levels and reduce the amount of capital tied up in the warehouse. Individual hose lines, which are more susceptible to external damage due to their exposed position on the excavator arm, are always in stock at Kiesel as spare parts. For rarely required items, the construction machinery specialists benefit from overnight deliveries from the nearest HANSA‑FLEX branch.