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Donations instead of gifts

For several years now, HANSA‑FLEX has decided to commit our annual budget for corporate gifts to support charitable causes. Such as in the year of 2023, this year’s donation will go to the Solidarity Foundation Ukraine to support an infirmary and a children’s home.

In the video, Thomas Armerding shares his thoughts on this year's fundraising campaign ‘Donations instead of gifts.’

Supported projects 2024

Cheque handed over to the Solidarity Foundation Ukraine

“At HANSA‑FLEX we are committed to give back to society. Especially for the youngest and the most vulnerable in society, we hope that the war in Ukraine will end soon and that we can help with rebuilding the country” explains Alina Armerding, who is both, a co-owner of HANSA‑FLEX and Solidarity Foundation Ukraine. 

Infirmary in Odessa

The infirmary, 30 km from Odessa, provides medical care to around 15,000 people from three surrounding villages. It is run by two doctors. The donation of EUR 20,000 will be used to purchase new furniture and repair sanitary facilities. Structural repair work will also be carried out on the floors and the heating system.

Children's home in the Odessa region

The children's home, two hours from Odessa, looks after orphans aged between 5 and 16. The donation of EUR 20,000 will be used to purchase generators for the power supply and basic equipment such as furniture, children's clothing, learning materials and toys.

Projects supported in recent years

In 2022, we established the Solidarity Ukraine Foundation together with BUHLMANN Rohr-Fittings-Stahlhandel GmbH + Co. Its aim is to support the reconstruction of critical infrastructure, such as healthcare and educational facilities in Ukraine. We donated a total of EUR 100,000 in 2022-2023.

Together with local partners, Engineers without borders is committed to support the development of basic services such as electricity, water and sanitation. In the years 2017-2021, a total of EUR 135,000 was donated to support projects in Guinea, Tanzania and Uganda.

To provide access to sanitary facilities, BORDA e. V. works with partners around the world to support the construction of water, wastewater and sanitary facilities. In 2017-2021, we donated a total of EUR 80,000 to support projects in India, Bangladesh and Jordan.

Viva con Agua focuses on water, sanitation and hygiene projects. The organisation works with local partners around the world to build drinking water and sanitation facilities and runs workshops. In 2017-2021, we supported projects in Nepal, Uganda and Mozambique with a total of EUR 60,000.