Line engineering from HANSA‑FLEX

Highest demands in terms of product quality
As Solaris is continually enhancing its vehicle designs and working on new technical solutions, HANSA‑FLEX sales engineer Karl-Heinz Loose keeps in close contact with his customer. He provides advice on line layout, and makes sure the right components are selected. Together with the Solaris design department, components are developed for subsequent production; HANSA‑FLEX produces samples and supplies the documentation. Before a component is listed for production use, it is subjected to thorough testing. From that point on, all component specifications are held on computer by HANSA‑FLEX for retrieval at any time.
Based on the commitment of Karl-Heinz Loose, HANSA‑FLEX is also closely involved in the future planning of the bus manufacturer, so as to be prepared to meet the customer’s wishes over the long term. Joint meetings discuss issues such as the planning of new bus models and updates to existing models in which HANSA‑FLEX is to be involved. This enables optimum solutions to be devised and implemented.