Comprehensive service
Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, Nordex monitors the availability of every single one of its wind turbines. Service personnel in the regional support centres provide rapid, prompt service on site. HANSA‑FLEX is an important supplier for the service department as well as for production. For modernising existing towers, HANSA‑FLEX delivers complete upgrade kits, for example valves with higher ratings for upgrading the brake systems. And this is where the tightly interconnected branch network pays dividends, because wherever a wind turbine is standing, the nearest HANSA‑FLEX branch is not far away. At the same time, Nordex employees are not just concerned with the flawless operation of their wind turbines, the company has also dedicated itself to conservation of the environment. The protection of bats, for example. Since these are protected animals, it is difficult to erect wind parks in the bats’ territory. So Nordex joined forces with a partner to develop an astonishing solution. Depending on their species, bats fly more frequently at certain times of the year, and of the day, and also in certain weather, temperature and wind conditions. This data has been stored centrally as a number of algorithms which are constantly being compared with the current conditions at the site. As soon as the computer predicts a high probability that bats will be flying, the wind turbine is switched off automatically. This has led to a demonstrable reduction of 70 to 80 percent in bat deaths. At the same time production fell by just 0.2 percent.